How I Clean Thrift Store Movies, CDs, and Records (Used Physical Media)

So you've found a bunch of cool stuff at the thrift store, right? Hooray! But finding cool movies, music, and books at local charity shops is only half of the battle. All that stuff is most likely absolutely filthy and could potentially have been donated by someone who had that virus from 28 Days Later! But it's too late! You've handled the goods and now you've exposed your immune system to a mutant strain of some funky disease that has kickstarted the zombie apocalypse! But you can stop that scenario from happening, friends. That's right: by cleaning your thrift store media, you can and will prevent the zombie apocalypse! In this video, we'll go over cleaning books, DVDs, CDs, and even record albums...the old round discs just like grandpa used to play whenever he got that far away look in his eye! This video comes via request from YOU GUYS, so thanks for the video suggestion, and good luck gettin' your thrift on!

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